Polymer mortar: understand what it is and what its advantages are


Choosing the right material for a construction project makes all the difference to the end result, especially for more complex and long-term projects. That's why it's important to make this decision carefully for all the items on the list. A good example of this is the use of polymer mortar in place of ordinary mortar.

If you're used to the older version of this material, you may not have heard of polymeric yet. In that case, it's best to start finding out about it as soon as possible, as it has many benefits for high-value construction projects. If you want to optimize work on the construction site, it will be essential.

Want to understand the subject better? Then follow this article we've prepared for you!

What is polymer mortar?

Polymer mortar is considered the evolution of ordinary mortar, as it offers higher yields and more productivity.

Mortar is already a well-known material among construction professionals. It is widely used on construction sites of various sizes to fix materials, coatings and fillings. However, the polymeric version aims to replace the conventional type in all civil engineering works.

Its function is to fill and lay sealing beams. The main difference between ordinary mortar and polymeric mortar is in its composition, as the name implies, which increases its capacity.

The product itself has been around since the 1980s, but only began to gain more popularity on the market in 2017, when ABNT made the use of materials with polymeric compounds the norm in various constructions. Therefore, in order to have a legal and safe construction project, you need to change the model used to lay sealing beams.

What are its main advantages?

Of course, polymer mortar has some advantages over the traditional version. Here are some of the main ones:

More material yield

Wasting mortar during construction can cost you a lot more than you might think. Between preparation and application, up to 50% of the material can be lost, depending on how it is handled, which is not good for your budget.

By investing in the polymeric model, you will also have a more efficient method of application and preparation at your disposal. This allows the material you purchase to be much more cost-effective throughout the job, and also contributes greatly in other areas, such as material organization.

In the case of DunDun Putty, just 3 kg is equivalent to 60 kg of conventional mortar! That's a much higher yield! Want to know more about how DunDun works? Click here!

Practical application

The method of applying traditional mortar, as we have already mentioned, tends to be somewhat inefficient. Part of this is due to the consistency of the material, the preparation process and the drying time, which slows down the application.

By using polymer mortar, on the other hand, you won't have many of these problems, as the material is denser and easier to apply to the masonry. This greatly optimizes the team's productivity on the building site, minimizing the time needed to complete this part of the building.

See how easy DunDun Putty is to apply:

More security for construction

Fire protection, waterproofing of surfaces, resistance to mechanical shocks, among other characteristics, are very important for the best safety of the professionals who work in construction, as well as the people who will use the site once it has been built. That's why there are so many standards regulating the way construction is carried out.

With this type of mortar, all these fronts are covered. As well as being easier to apply, it also has a higher degree of impermeability and gives the beams more strength. This improves safety once the work is finished and prevents accidents during construction.

DunDun Pasta, for example, has already been approved in several technical rehearsals.

Reducing costs

As we mentioned earlier, the application of polymer mortar is much more efficient than using the traditional version of the material. This consequently leads to lower mortar consumption on your site and, thanks to this, lower demand for the material in your budget.

It may not seem like a big difference compared to the price of many other items, but remember that this is a vital component in construction. In addition, polymeric putty also has other benefits for construction, apart from cost optimization.

Find out how DunDun putty can help you reduce the costs of your projects!

Sustainable material

The polymer compounds used in this type of mortar are mainly derived from biomass, which are things like plant remains, for example. Nowadays, these components are used for a variety of other purposes, such as fuels, when before they would just have been discarded.

The industry's investment in this type of mortar makes it possible to greatly reduce the waste produced by agribusiness, in which a large part of the biomass generated would be useless. Consequently, this also helps to ensure the sustainability of its production and application within the civil engineering industry.

DunDun Putty uses nanoparticles organized in structures that guarantee optimum distribution of its polymer compounds. This provides mechanical resistance and durability that is unmatched on the market!

‍Wherecan it be applied?

Polymer mortar has a wide range of uses, especially for filling and laying sealing masonry. It also interacts very well with any other material you are using on your site, including bricks, ceramic and concrete blocks.

In the case of DunDun mortar, it can be used in sealing masonry works, without a structural or refractory function. DunDun polymer mortar is suitable for use in the following types of blocks:

- Horizontal hole ceramic brick

- Vertical hole ceramic blocks

- Cellular concrete blocks

- Vertical concrete blocks

It is important that the blocks in question are even and regular, in accordance with the regulations in your project. If the surface is uneven, the filling may not be as efficient, which would hinder the application of this mortar on your site.

How to choose the best polymer mortar?

The choice of brand for this type of mortar is also very important to ensure the quality of the work. When you're creating your list of options, always try to keep an eye on certain characteristics of the product and the company you're going to supply.

It's a good idea to test the material yourself or talk to other people who have used it. Also, check that the service and delivery of the shipment is usually consistent. You don't want to delay your work because the mortar supplier took too long to complete the delivery!

Now that you have this information, it's time to include polymer mortar on your list of materials for all your construction projects! The sooner you find a good supplier, the sooner you can take advantage of these benefits.

And to get started right away, contact us and get to know DunDun Putty, your best polymer mortar option!