How to store building materials and avoid losses: essential tips


Among the many everyday challenges on a construction site, the storage of building materials is one that deserves great attention. After all, if it's done the wrong way, as well as hindering the smooth running of construction, there's a serious risk of waste, loss and, consequently, damage.

But this is not an easy task, as each material has its own peculiarities when it comes to storage. In addition, you need to think strategically about the logistics of the construction site, because if you store them in a remote location, you will lose time due to the excessive movement of workers.

Faced with this challenge, we've prepared the following content with some useful tips for properly storing building materials on a construction site. Have a good read!

Think about the layout of the construction site

Anyone who works in the construction industry knows how difficult it is to keep a project on schedule. There are so many unforeseen events that any optimization can save time and make a big difference at the end of the project.

That's why, during the preparation stage, you need to think about the best place to store the materials during the various stages of construction. As well as saving time, this helps to avoid wastage when transporting supplies.

Choose a suitable place to store building materials

Generally speaking, building materials should be stored in a flat area that is not too humid or close to heat sources. However, you need to be aware of the particularities of each input, as the same place is not always suitable for storing different items.

While there are materials that are more susceptible to the weather and humidity, such as cement, there are others that don't need much care when it comes to storage (such as ceramic bricks). Although they are fragile, it is possible to store them in an open environment, as long as they are protected from the rain by a tarpaulin.

Follow the manufacturer's instructions

To guarantee the quality of their materials, most manufacturers indicate on their packaging the correct way to store and handle them.

This ensures that the properties of the raw material are preserved, since the company must beware of manufacturing defects, which means that the building company can replace it at no extra cost.

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Be careful with the position and stacking of items

Stacking is another important factor to consider when storing building materials. If the procedure is done incorrectly and there is an overload, deformations can occur which can damage the physical properties of the raw material.

In the case of bricks, we recommend storing them in piles ten high, four wide and 50 long. Cement packets, on the other hand, should be arranged in piles up to ten bags high, alternating in length and in the shape of a cross, so that they are more stable.

As you can see, in order to guarantee the quality of building materials, you need to ensure that they are stored correctly. To do this, consider the characteristics and logistics of each item.

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