Innovation in construction: what you need to know


The Brazilian construction market is often seen as archaic due to its use of old materials and methods. However, this view is increasingly changing, as innovation in construction is gaining momentum.

Companies and customers want high quality, safe products that are quick and economical to build. Research is advancing precisely to meet this expectation, making buildings economical, sustainable, efficient and with better performance every day.

It's a good initiative for the consumer and also for those who work on construction sites. And to help your business keep pace with technological developments, we've created this post with tips on construction technology.

In it, you'll find the latest trends in this sector, with their features and many advantages. So, to make sure you're fully up to speed, read on to the end! Let's go?

The importance of innovation in construction

Before listing the technological advances that make it possible to innovate in construction, let's explain their importance. With an increasingly competitive market, using tools and technologies that optimize the work becomes a differentiator.

According to the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae), these are the four main reasons for seeking innovation in the sector:

Other reasons concern the organization and cleanliness of the construction site, procedures that also benefit. That's why it's worth investing in technology. Below is a list of the main innovations that bring these benefits to the construction industry.

BIM platform

BIM technology, contrary to what many people think, is not a piece of software, but a new way of thinking about and working with the design, execution and post-delivery of construction work. In Portuguese, it means building information modeling and proposes to digitally construct the building in a 4D universe, where the fourth dimension is information.

So, in addition to the basic information on the components, such as height and length, you also have the materials, useful life, cost, labor requirements, suppliers, etc., giving you a more realistic view of the project.

Another advantage is that this technology allows simultaneous work on a single file, so that several professionals interact and there are no conflicting projects, such as sharpening going through a window, for example.

3D printing

Although 3D printing is still in its infancy in Brazil, in some countries, such as China, it is already a reality. A printer is responsible for making the layers with the appropriate materials, materializing the digital model. It avoids the waste of materials, reducing the generation of waste, as well as speeding up the process by working quickly and uninterruptedly.

Use of drones

When monitoring a construction site, there are often places that are difficult to access, which put employees at risk or are impossible to reach. With drones, this problem is solved.

Fast and versatile, they can also be used for surveying and even to check for peeling coatings. At a low cost, they also provide good images, which can be used to monitor construction sites in real time.

Internet of Things

Another novelty in the construction industry is the Internet of Things (IoT), which manages objects and equipment remotely. By using this technology on construction sites, you have intelligent management, in which you can know immediately when something is wrong and resolve any problems immediately, shortening deadlines and increasing safety.

Biological concrete

The idea of concrete that regenerates its own cracks may sound like science fiction, but it's already a reality. It works quite simply.

Bacteria are added to the concrete. When it cracks, it allows moisture to enter. The water reacts with these bacteria, which are then activated, feeding on calcium lactate. The by-product of this reaction is responsible for sealing the surface.

Although it only works on small cracks, bio-concrete is very effective when it comes to widening them. In this way, expensive and labor-intensive renovations can be avoided, without the need to break down or isolate the room.

Polymer mortar

Used mainly for laying sealing masonry, polymer mortar has a number of advantages. The first of these is the time it saves on site, as it is sold ready to use. In addition, there is an increase in productivity, since it yields 20x more than conventional mortar.

What's more, as the material comes in tubes, it can be applied cleanly and without waste, which also saves money. The product's yield is impressive. In the case of DunDun Putty, 3 kilos yield the equivalent of 60 kilos of traditional cement. So it's a smart choice that only brings benefits to a construction project!

Click here to find out how DunDun Putty can speed up your construction work!

Another advantage to consider is the environmental benefits of polymer mortar. This is because it does not use two controversial elements in its composition: cement and sand. The cement production process causes the emission of carbon dioxide, a polluting gas, and sand is taken from riverbeds, causing a huge geographical and environmental impact. 

As you've seen, innovation in construction is the best tool for making your work faster, more economical and safer, as well as making your company stand out by offering state-of-the-art services. In this way, you guarantee your growth and the satisfaction of your clients.